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Lectures & Presentations

Choosing to regulate: Autonomy alters neural responses during craving regulation

Danielle Cosme, Arian Mobasser, Elliot T. Berkman & Jennifer H. Pfeifer

SANS Meeting, New York, New York
April 28, 2016

Self-evaluation across adolescence: A longitudinal fMRI study


Danielle Cosme, Jordan L. Livingston, John C. Flournoy, John C. Mazziotta, Mirella Dapretto & Jennifer H. Pfeifer

SRCD Meeting: Social Neuroscience Perspectives on Child Development, Leiden, The Netherlands
September 16, 2015

Using fMRI to study child and adolescent development:
Thoughts from the trenches

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John C. Flournoy, William E. Moore III, & Jennifer H. Pfeifer

SRCD Methods, San Diego, CA
September 11, 2014