FoodIE Stimuli
The Food Images Eugene (FoodIE) stimuli set is a collection of images designed to elicit food cravings. The stimuli set includes 15 categories of foods, each rated only by individuals reporting cravings for that category of food. For each image, participants were asked “how much do you desire to eat the item shown in this picture?” and rated their desire using a 5-point Likert-type scale, where 1 = no desire and 5 = strong desire.
The food categories each contain 60-70 appetizing images and include: barbeque, burgers, candy, cheese, chips, chocolate, cookies, doughnuts, French fries, fruit, fruit desserts, pasta, pizza, and roasted vegetables.
We are providing the full set of stimuli, as well as the normative ratings for each image,for use in non-profit academic research.
To request the stimuli set and normative ratings, please fill out the following form. Submitting the form should begin the download process of a .zip file containing the stimulus set.
If you use the stimulus set, please use the following reference:
FoodIE stimuli (
To view the code that was used for processing ratings, please visit our GitHub repository.
If you have any questions, please email us at