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DuckEES Stimuli

The University of Oregon (“Duck”) Emotional Expression Stimulus (DuckEES) set was developed to provide a set of normative dynamic emotional stimuli made by child and adolescent actors for experimental investigations of socioemotional processing. We are providing the full set of 250 stimuli for use in non-profit academic research, as well as the normative ratings for each video. For our purposes, we recommend using videos where over 70% of raters agreed with the modal label chosen for that video, and where the actor didn’t make another video that was modally labeled with the same label. These 142 videos are indicated in the Excel file containing the ratings.

To request the DuckEES stimulus set and normative ratings, please fill out the following form. Submitting the form should begin the download process of a .zip file containing the stimulus set. If you use the stimulus set, please reference the following manuscript in any presentations or publications:

Giuliani, N. R., Flournoy, J. C., Ivie, E., Von Hippel, A., & Pfeifer, J. H. (2017). Presentation and validation of the DuckEES child and adolescent dynamic facial expressions stimulus set. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 26(1), e1553. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1553

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